God Does Not Forgive Sins Committed Against His Devotee

Today, we're embarking on a captivating adventure through a rich story from the pages of the Bhagavatam. Our tale centers around King Ambareesh, a ruler of remarkable strength and virtue, whose deep humility and unwavering devotion to Lord Vishnu truly set him apart. As we journey through his story, we will explore themes of forgiveness, divine protection, and the significance of remaining true to one's beliefs. Are you excited to dive into this enchanting narrative?
King Ambareesh was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Even though he was a powerful king ruling over the whole earth, he stayed humble, and always, tried to serve God. He knew that a devotee uses all five senses to practice devotion: singing God’s glories (tongue), listening to stories of God (ears), having darshan of God and saints (eyes), smelling the fragrance of flowers and Tulsi leaves offered to God (nose), and touching the lotus feet of God’s true servants (skin).
Gift of Sudarshan Chakra

Through his devotion, the King gradually gave up all attachment to his material possessions. He regarded them as temporary and unreal. Pleased with Ambareesh's love and devotion, Lord Vishnu designated His Sudarshan Chakra to protect him.
The Ekadashi Dilemma

One fateful day, King Ambareesh was observing the sacred fast of Ekadashi, a time of spiritual reflection and devotion. As the sun began to dip on the horizon, signaling the end of the fast, a powerful sage, Durvasa, arrived at the palace. King Ambareesh warmly welcomed the sage, offering him an array of delicious food. However, Durvasa insisted on first taking a bath and performing his prayers, leaving Ambareesh in a precarious position.
As the minutes slipped away, the auspicious moment to break his fast loomed near, and Ambareesh found himself in a dilemma. Should he honour the sage and wait, risking the sacred time slipping away, or should he break his fast and potentially offend the revered sage? What a heart-wrenching predicament to be caught in!
King Ambareesh turned to his priests for advice. They advised him to drink some water to break his fast. This would ensure that Ekadashi Vrat had been successfully completed and the King would not have partaken food before Durvasa had eaten.
In life, there are times when a person has to make tough choices. Even if they know that both options may have bad results, it's important to seek advice from wise people and make decisions with faith.
Anger and Revenge

Sage Durvasa pulls a lock of his hair from his head and the demoness Kritya appears
When Sage Durvasa finally returned after finishing his bath and prayers, he found out that King Ambareesh had broken his fast without offering him food first. This made Durvasa furious. He accused the king of being drunk with power. In his anger, he pulled a lock of his matted hair and called upon a demoness, Kritya, ordering it to kill the King. Kritya rushed towards Ambareesh with a sword. Yet, instead of retaliating, Ambareesh chose to stand resolute, embodying humility and seeking forgiveness without reservation.
This poignant moment serves as a reminder that even those we consider wise and powerful can stumble. It is crucial to understand that every individual deserves a chance to clarify their actions and intentions.
Sage Durvasa Runs

Seeing the Lord's devotee Ambareesh in trouble, the Sudarshan Chakra intervened to save him. It first destroyed Kritya and then pursued sage Durvasa, who fled for his life. Wherever Durvasa went, the Chakra followed closely behind.
Durvasa begs for Protection

Sage Durvasa pleading before Lords Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu
Durvasa sought protection at Mount Meru, Brahma's abode, but Brahma couldn't help him, stating that he couldn't protect someone who had harmed a pure devotee of God. Durvasa then went to Mount Kailash, Shiva's abode, but Shiva also couldn't stop the Chakra in these circumstances. He advised Durvasa to seek the shelter of Lord Vishnu since it was His weapon that was after him. Durvasa then reached Baikunth and pleaded with Lord Vishnu to call off the Chakra.
Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector in Hindu tradition, explained to the revered Sage Durvasa His fundamental principle – that He is always inclined towards His pure devotees and is bound by their unwavering love and affection. He conveyed to Durvasa that if anyone were to insult a pure devotee, He, as God, cannot forgive the offender. The authority to forgive and offer protection rests with the devotee who has been wronged. Lord Vishnu advised the sage to seek forgiveness from King Ambareesh.
Durvasa pleads before King Ambaressh

Upon receiving this guidance, Sage Durvasa approached King Ambareesh and humbly prostrated at his feet. The compassionate and righteous King Ambareesh promptly forgave the eminent sage. Immediately, the divine Sudarshan Chakra ceased its pursuit of Durvasa. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Sage Durvasa thanked King Ambareesh for saving his life. Following this heartfelt exchange, Durvasa partook of the meal offered by King Ambareesh, blessed him, and then departed.
This story illustrates that even God cannot forgive you if the sin is committed against His devotee. Only the devotee has the power to forgive the person who has caused harm or hurt to him.
- True devotion brings divine protection: Ambareesh’s unwavering faith in Lord Vishnu provided him with an impenetrable shield against harm.
- Forgiveness is a transformative power: Ambareesh's ability to forgive brought about resolution and restored peace.
- Mastering our emotions is essential: Allowing anger to take control can lead to devastating consequences.
Reflect on times in your own life when the act of forgiveness proved significant.