Complete Surrender - II
The Lord serves as an unyielding source of strength for those who fully surrender to Him.

In the previous blog, we discussed the amazing story of Gajraj, (to read this blog click the hyperlink) the majestic elephant, and the alligator to whom Lord Vishnu granted salvation. This tale reminds us that we often turn to God when we face challenges and forget to acknowledge Him during good times. Remembering to keep God in our thoughts during good times can help us avoid troubles in the future.
Draupadi's Honor
There is an epic story in the Mahabharat when Drapuadi, the daughter-in-law of Queen Kunti and wife of five (5) Pandavas, was humiliated at the hands of the Kauravas when her husbands lost her in a game of dice.

Draupadi was taken into the court of the king, without her consent, where the dice game had been played. The Kauravas attempted to humiliate Draupadi by asking one of their brothers, Dushasan to forcibly bring Draupadi to the court. Draupadi entered the court. To defend her honour, Draupadi initially relied upon and sought help from her family members and her five husbands, elders, and eventually her own strength to escape from Dushasan.

However, after realizing nobody could protect her, she finally surrendered completely to God and begged for His help. Lord Krishna then became Draupadi’s infinite robe and protected her from being disrobed in front of all the men seated in the assembly. Similarly, God came to Gajraj’s rescue only after he abandoned all of his worldly support and completely surrendered to Him.
The earlier blog, "Complete Surrender - I", and the above story illustrate that when we let go of relying on others for help and surrender to God completely, He comes to our rescue and never lets us down.
God protects everyone and assumes responsibility for protecting His devotees once they are fully surrendered to Him.