Lapse In Judgement

Lapse In Judgement
The Brahmin Ajamil

Have you ever made a mistake that you wish you could take back? Everyone messes up sometimes, but does that make you a bad person? Let's find out!

There was a man named Ajamil. Ajamil was a Brahmin who lived in the city of Kanyakubj (modern-day Kannauj, in India). He was a gentle, truthful, and learned man.  He had studied the Vedas under the guidance of a guru and was well-versed in them. He served his guru, parents, and elders with humility and considered it not only his duty but his privilege. He was married, had children lived the life of a householder.

Sinful Acts Committed by Ajamil

Ajamil turns to a life of crime to support his new family

One day Ajamil went to the forest to collect fruits, flowers, sticks and Kush, grass needed for worship. While gathering these items, he witnessed a scene between a man and a woman that corrupted his mind.

Do you think Ajamil should have ignored what he saw or should he have surrendered to this temptation?

Ajamil repeatedly thought of the scene he saw and became so attracted to this woman that he could not get her out of his mind. He thought of her constantly and brought her home. He squandered all his and his father’s wealth trying to please her. Eventually, Ajamil abandoned his wife and family and started to live with this woman. He completely forgot about his training as a Brahmin and began leading a life of sin that included robbery, murder, gambling and cheating.

Ajamil and his favourite son - Narayan

Ajamil had ten children with this woman, and among them, his youngest son, Narayan, held an exceptionally dear place in his heart. He dedicated a significant portion of his daily life to his youngest child, playing, feeding and spending time with him. Ajamil made it a priority to first offer any meal, or drink to his beloved youngest son before partaking of it himself showing his deep love and care for Narayan.

Near Death Experience

When Ajamil was 88 years old, his health started to fail and he became bedridden. One day he saw three scary-looking male figures approaching him with a noose. They were the messengers of Yamraj, the lord of death. They were coming to remove his soul from his body. Ajamil became very frightened. He understood that this was the moment of his death.

What should Ajamil do to save himself from the messengers of Yamraj - should he remember his son, Narayan?


Should he call out to God who he had forgotten?

Unfortunately, Ajamil was so attached to his youngest son Narayan, and was so terrified that in a moment of panic, he cried out, “Narayan”!.

Here lies the remarkable twist: “Narayan” is another name of Lord Vishnu. Astonishingly, when Ajamil cried out Narayan” his heart entwined with the thought of his son, Lord Vishnu heard his plea loud and clear.

Ajamil’s eye-opening vision

As soon as Ajamil uttered the name “Narayan” four messengers of Lord Vishnu appeared. It is God’s rule that He protects anyone who calls out to Him at the time of death. Lord Vishnu's messengers appeared to save Ajamil.

Lord Vishnu’s messengers  (Vishnudoot) asked the messengers of death to release Ajamil’s soul. Yamraj’s messengers protested because according to them a sinner like Ajamil belonged in hell. A debate ensued between the two parties on dharm (righteous conduct) and adharm (unrighteous conduct). The messengers of Yamraj pointed out that Ajamil had been leading a life of sin and argued that when Ajamil uttered the name Narayan, he was calling out to his son, not Lord Vishnu. However, the messengers of Lord Vishnu stood firm and maintained that even if someone utters the Lord’s name by accident at the time of death, he is eligible for the Lord's protection. Ajamil was freed from the noose of Yamraj’s messengers.

Realizing his mistake

Ajamil praying near the Ganga river in Haridwar

This experience was a wake-up call for Ajamil. Having heard the entire conversation between the messengers of Vishnu and Yamraj, Ajamil felt very sorry for his sinful actions. He remembered his past training as a pious Brahmin and left home to practice devotion in Haridwar. He devoted the rest of his life to sincerely practising selfless devotion to God. 

Because of his steadfast devotion, Ajamil became God-realized. He was now free to choose his moment of death. When he finally left his mortal body on the banks of River Ganga in Haridwar, he went to Baikunth Lok, the divine abode of Lord Vishnu.

Do you think you should give yourself a second chance?

Think about it!

Everyone is eligible for a second chance, God gave a second chance to Ajamil.


The above story illustrates that Ajamil strayed from the virtuous path due to a momentary lapse of judgment. Hence, indulging in wrongful activities that can influence our minds should be avoided, because this would lead us on the wrong path and cause us to suffer for a very long time.


This story demonstrates that no matter how many mistakes we make, there is always an opportunity to change our lives for the better. It is never too late to turn things around! Even Ajamil got a second chance by the grace of God.